

Our candidates master more than just pivot tables.

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Our candidates master more than just pivot tables.

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We get you, you get it.

Recruiting is in our DNA

Grafton knows that wherever Finance and Accounting disciplines are critical to your business function, specialized talent will also be essential to your productivity and bottom-line results. We approach recruitment with a mix of time-honored best practices and resourceful engagement to deliver proven results for corporate Accounting and Finance departments in all industries.

Speak to us

Grafton knows that wherever Finance and Accounting disciplines are critical to your business function, specialized talent will also be essential to your productivity and bottom-line results. We approach recruitment with a mix of time-honored best practices and resourceful engagement to deliver proven results for corporate Accounting and Finance departments in all industries.

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Our solutions in Finance


Targeted search for skilled workers for long-term employment.


For both: low and high volume orders.


Grafton outsources support functions for you. More focus on the core business.


From a single source: Centralized payroll accounting for your company.


Flexible experts for temporary projects and assignments, without long-term commitments.

We repeatedly demonstrate that quality in recruitment delivers its worth with each high-value talent strategy or match we make. We offer flexibility through a range of leading workforce solutions globally, nationally, or locally, that will help to manage your finance talent efficiently and cost-effectively.

We repeatedly demonstrate that quality in recruitment delivers its worth with each high-value talent strategy or match we make. We offer flexibility through a range of leading workforce solutions globally, nationally, or locally, that will help to manage your finance talent efficiently and cost-effectively.

"Grafton har ved gientatte anledninger vist seg som en ypperlig samarbeidspartner i vär rekruttering av regnskapsforere. De kjenner bransjen godt, og har tatt seg tid til à bli kjent med oss som selskap ogs. Av Grafton vet vi at vi fär presentert kandidater som passer inn pa värt kontor, og at eventuelle referansesjekker i etterkant av intervuer utoves av folk som kan det. Vi sparer uvurderlig tid i en til tider hektisk herdag samtidig som at vi forsikrer oss om at vi ansetter riktige..."

Finance Client

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