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Find candidates with Grafton

From 1 hire to 1000, whatever your business needs, we've got you covered with our recruitment solutions.

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Find employees with Grafton

Whether direct placement, temporary employment or a master vendor model - together we will find the best solution.

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We get you, you get it.

Recruiting is in our DNA

We keep up to speed with your recruitment demands through our investment in technology, people, and sourcing capability. With Grafton solving your hiring needs, you can keep your eyes on what has made your business successful.

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Our solutions


Targeted search for skilled workers for long-term employment.


For both: low and high volume orders.


Grafton outsources support functions for you. More focus on the core business.


From a single source: Centralized payroll accounting for your company.


Flexible experts for temporary projects and assignments, without long-term commitments.

Jeg har vært så heldig å oppleve Grafton fra begge ståsted. Jeg var selv kandidat og opplevde at min kompetanse ble forstått, og at stillingene jeg fikk presentert var relevante for mine evner og ambisjoner. Da jeg senere fikk oppleve det fra andre siden har jeg nøyaktig samme opplevelse; kompetansen og personlighetene vi er ute etter blir presentert oss på løpende bånd og jeg har med stort hell ansatt flere av disse. Fra begge sider er min opplevelse at dere bryr dere om både kandidat og oppdragsgiver, rett og slett å finne riktig match begge veier. Dette er kvalitet fra A-Å.

Charlotte Hvitstein, Konsulentleder

Our specializations

Our specializations

You wish to restructure your company?

We create an individual solution that fits your company and your needs. With our restructuring and outsourcing solution, you are able to shape the future.

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Would you like to recruit under your brand?

We create an individual solution that fits your company and your needs. With our RPO solution, you can plan for the future.

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Grafton facts




Hires in 2023


Specialized Consultants


Years of experience

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